Project Detail
- Client: Dan Everett (Bentley University, Waltham, MA)
- Features: Portfolio website, Gallery website, Responsive
- Category: WordPress
- Project URL: daneverettbooks.com
“Daniel Leonard Everett is an American linguistic anthropologist and author best known for his study of the Amazon Basin’s Pirahã people and their language.” This is the quote from Wikipedia. Dan also is our long term client. We took over the management of his website many years ago. Dan is a hardworking scholar that has published many books and articles and as a result he has been often featured or interviewed in the media. The primary purpose of the website is to publicize Dan’s work. It has been a challenge over the years to organize the website content and to make it user friendly and search engine friendly.
When Dan brought these questions to us, we both thought it was time to redesign the website. We went though all content on the website, drew the site map, discussed the information flow and user experience, designed a new logo, color scheme, and layout. Our goals were to visually present the content to help people understand it easily; clear navigation to make accessing the information quick and easy; and improving the site SEO to optimize for search engines.
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