Fast Hosting Improves User Experience
We have all experienced glacially slow website loading times and the typical response is to find a faster site with similar info. For your own site you want the best possible speed for the lowest cost. Technical resources about site speed usually concentrate on technical issues concerning the website design itself. There are many web resources devoted to this including Google Page Speed Insights. This is a great place to start but the truth is that fast hosting will improve the user experience of any website, including those that rank poorly in page speed testers. We have designed many sites that are zippy on the staging host but slow considerably when migrated to the production server.
The truth is that most hosting providers overcrowd their servers to make profit. Most hosting is sharing hardware and resources at some level, and there is a finite limit to those resources: bandwidth, database lookups, memory, CPU usage, and storage speed. Any of those can be a bottleneck. The more sites sharing those resource the greater the frequency of slow performance.
BBDS Design is committed to keeping its servers light and lean to maximize performance. We host websites on our servers, the server performance matters to us. Beyond that, we are ethically committed to providing the best possible service for everything we do, including hosting.
Web Site Speed is a Google SEO Ranking Factor
Google rolled out the “Core Vitals” algorithm update in May 2021. This update puts user experience as a central part of ranking. Here is a selection from Google’s page on the Core Vitals report you can access from the Google Search Console:
- Longer page load times have a severe effect on bounce rates. For example:
- If page load time increases from 1 second to 3 seconds, bounce rate increases 32%
- If page load time increases from 1 second to 6 seconds, bounce rate increases by 106%
You can access these tools in a Google Search Console account in which you have registered your website, and Google has made these tools available in other ways as well. Page experience (read “page speed”) has become a more important ranking signal for SEO — translating to position or rank in a Google search page. There are many resources available to help you improve page experience. The big three would be Google Page Speed Insights, GTMetrix, and Pingdom, ald also the before mentioned Core Vitals tools. However, site optimization will never trump hosting speed. We see this all the time when moving staging sites from a development server to the customer’s production server on well known hosting providers.
Hosting Speed: Voting with Your Feet
All of the elements that control the user page experience are in your control, including hosting speed. For hosting, your control is the ability to migrate your site to faster hosting. For the most part, and grossly generalizing, you can’t get fast hosting at large hosting providers. We have the experience. Even buying a VPN on a large hosting provider is a crapshoot.
Our advice is: get fast hosting then do the other technical optimizations to improve page experience.
BBDS Design Offers Zippy Hosting at Modest Prices
We can guarantee that our servers will always be as fast as we can make them, for the price $6.66/month. We won’t overload them. We have purchased new VPNs whenever one started to get crowded. That’s our commitment.
We can help you improve the technical issues that are slowing down your site as well. Ask us for a quote.